Saturday, February 21, 2009

Leaving Idaho

Last night was the end of KCACTF 2009 region VII in Idaho. The awards ceremony was just about the culminating event (although I am going to a response from the judges of the final round this morning before we take of). I was happy that the full production that was asked to be held by the Kennedy Center (which means its being considered to be shown as a production this year in Washington DC) was The Distance From Here by Colorado State University. Having seen their show on Thursday night, I can honestly say that theirs was my favorite show from the entire festival. So, congratulations Colorado State!
Also, the finals round of the Irene Ryans was very talented, and I was honored to be performing with a wonderful group of people. I'm pleased to announce that one of the Irene Ryans was Philip Orazio from the University of Portland. We're all very proud.

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