Friday, March 13, 2009

Rutgers (My Visit to the MFA Program) 02

Today I sat through six hours of acting classes, and I had some really nice conversations with the faculty. I am exhausted, but I really liked what I saw, and I think that Rutgers would be a good grad program for me. If not this year, then perhaps another. I've had a blast here. The students are so warm and inviting. All of them were wonderful, but a special thanks goes to Michael Kane and Lacy Dunn who both really took care of me while I've been here.
I take the New Jersey transit back into New York City tomorrow morning, and Sunday I am flying home! Hurrah!


Shani-nanigans said...

Heather! I have a blog too! I figure this way we'll be able to keep tabs on each other sans phonetag :)

steven.weeks said...

Damn. Good luck, babe.