Friday, April 17, 2009

Marat/Sade at UP (an update)

So Marat/Sade opened Wednesday night, and we'll be playing through Sunday. I feel our production is solid and that we've had two very good performances, although I worry that it's a bit much for a lot of our audience. As one of my friends told me after the Wednesday night performance, "you're not supposed to like this show, it's terrifying, but that aside, I loved it."
From those who "get" the show, we've gotten a wonderful response. Jeff Gauthier, a philosophy professor at the university wrote me this morning to say that Marat/Sade is one of his favorite plays and that I am now his favorite Marat. It was such a nice compliment, though not entirely unexpected from a someone who teaches philosophy.
Anyway, I am truly proud of this production and I'm sure this wonderful cast will have a great three more performances. It's been so much fun. Congratulations to our director, Collin Murray, a directing graduate student at University of Portland. He's done a wonderful job!

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