Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Drunken Sailor: The Seafarer at ART

A couple nights ago I was at the dress rehearsal for The Seafarer at Artists Repertory Theatre (ART) which opens officially tonight and plays through March 8th. This dark Irish comedy by Conor McPherson was more than I'd bargained for. Having known little about the show going in except for the simple fact that it was Irish and took place in North Dublin, I was pleasantly surprised by the startling plot I recieved. McPherson's play is very interesting, and strangly lovely. Its dankness and despair somehow easily lends itself to laughter, and the characters sour and sad as they my be are intriguingly likeable. Director Allan Nause and his four person cast (Bill Geisslinger, Tobias Andersen, Todd Van Vorris, Leif Norby, and Denis Arnd) have obviously put a lot of work into this piece.
Anyone with a sense of irony, a taste for the unexpected, a love of theatre, and a strong stomach for alchohal should see this raucus Irish show. It's well done.

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