I apologize for not blogging yesterday, but afterall, we weren't on the road. We were in Iowa visiting relatives. Lots of relatives, and after a day of running around with small children, catching locusts and playing volleyball, I was thinking less about blogging and more about crashing. Here are some photographs I could not upload on Aunt Maryjoe's Iowa backwoods computer.
Today, Dad and I were back on the road! We gave Maryjoe a hug goodbye and took off across Iowa. The scenery was lovely, but both of us were happy to be making progress again on the highway. A few hours later we crossed into Illinois right over, get this, the Mississippi River. I had never seen the Mississippi in person before, and having been excited about it for days, I made Dad stop for a picnic lunch on the Illinois side looking it over. I'm a fan of Mark Twain, and looking at the river that Tom Sawyer and his friends swam across to their island and Huckleberry Finn road down on a raft with Jim, the escaped slave, made me feel much closer to the author. The last photo I included in this post is the view we had of the Mississippi over lunch.
We must have been well-rested from the day before because Dad and I breezed quickly through Indiana as well, skirting around the Indianapolis beltway. We had full intentions of just pressing on and reaching Athens, Ohio, our final destination, tonight, a day early. Upon calling my landlord, however, we discovered that he has been painting my floor with a sealant today and that we would die of fume inhalation if we stayed in the house tonight. So we scrapped that idea.
Instead Dad and I are staying in a very nice hotel between Dayton and Columbus, Ohio. We'll only have about two hours to drive tomorrow and then I will finally be at my new home! I'm so excited to begin unpacking and getting myself in gear for my MFA in acting! Of course, it is a little bitter sweet to end such a fun road trip, and I have also really enjoyed blogging my experience. Thank you all for reading. Soon, probably tomorrow, I will write and tell you all about Athens!