Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Laramie Project: Ten Years Later

Also known as possibly the most important piece of theatre I've ever worked on.
Those of you who know the original Laramie Project (the show created by the Tectonic Theater Project about the reaction to the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard in Laramie, Wyoming) may be wondering what all this "ten years later" is about. The Laramie Project: Ten Years Later is an epilogue to the original play, and it is so brand new that the copy I have has a big bold warning label saying, Share it with only those people you think indispensable and insist to those people that they not share it with others.
How am I so lucky to have a copy? The first year Masters in Fine Arts graduate students here at Ohio University were asked by our professor and director, Shelley Delaney to participate in one of the 100 first readings of the play that are happening simultaneously around the United States on October 12th (the eleven year anniversary of Matthew's death). We begin rehearsal on Monday.
I cannot fully express to you how excited I am about this work and how much the project means to me. I only hope that it proves to be as meaningful, heartfelt, insightful, and inspirational as its predecessor.
This Youtube video was created by the Tectonic Theater Project as a trailer for their new play. I would definitely recommend watching it to understand more about what this piece is. Click here.

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